Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Eagle photos I have taken

This was taken in Port Hardy near the top of Vancouver Island. There are many eagles to see in this area at any time of he year.
This was taken at the dump just outside of Houston. During the winter months I have seen as many as 40 eagles in the trees around the dump
I got lucky with this shot. It was taken at the docks in Port McNeil. Again on north Vancouver Island
This again is at Houston B.C.
This eagle nest is located at kilometer 27 on the Morice River Road. Just out side Houston BC
Same nest
This adult and immature bird were found at the dump Houston BC
Houston BC
This young eagle was seen on the Morice River Road.
This was taken at the shore in Port Hardy

I am not sure where I took these two shots
Imature eagle Houston BC
Houston BC
Houston BC
Houston BC
Houston BC
Houston BC
Houston BC
Houston BC
Houston BC
Houston BC
Houston BC
Houston BC
Houston BC
Highway 16 just out of Houston BC
Port Hardy BC
Houston BC I can see this tree from my kitchen window
Port McNeil BC
The next twelve photos were taken at Stories Beach about 10 kilometers south of Port Hardy

I love this one. Staring right into the lens trying to figure what I'm doing.

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